I want to know if Bonanza keeps the same URL link on my items. eBay changes the URL each time it is renewed (even with GTC). If the item has the same URL link every time it renews or Update Booth does it keep the same URL on Bonanza. The reason I ask this is if you pin items on Pinterest will it always point back to the item on Bonanza? If you click on a link on Pinterest to eBay, you get the error message that it can’t be found.
drusalina Reputation: 16 See drusalina's booth |
The Bonanza URL does not appear to change. Items that I posted years ago (with multiple quantities for sale) are still valid and lead directly to the item that is for sale.
tomwayne1 Reputation: 8637 See tomwayne1's booth |
Not only what Tom mentioned but a rather uncommon item that I SOLD in 2013 (that’s EIGHT YEARS AGO) for those who cant cipher, KEEP SHOWING UP in searches because I repeatedly keep getting questions on if from buyers that want to purchase it, and it is GONE~ SOLD~ NO MORE dont have any more of it (wish I did) so this stuff hangs out somewhere on the net and I never used Pinterest and dont know how to if I wanted to. Never had this issue on the AUCTION SITE, just here.
Atomicdiner Reputation: 1902 See Atomicdiner's booth |
Viewed: 667 times
Asked: almost 4 years ago
Latest response: almost 4 years ago
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