My conversation with quincy

So I contacted Quincy you know the guy running things here. I asked him some questions about whats happening with this site. I asked him about traffic and he said they are working hard to drive more traffic on top of the google campaigns and provide more tools. I asked him why they dont get rid of bad sellers who are ruining the site and he said they are trying but bad sellers are getting more sophisticated by the day which makes it hard, I disagree with this because I can go right now and see all the bad sellers with nothing but negative feedback who have taken peoples money and never ship items out! These bad sellers ruin it for all of us here and because of that I started promoting good sellers here on my Pinterest account to drive people directly to good sellers so they have a positive experience here! I suggested that he come here and let everyone know whats going on with Bonanza because people are getting discouraged here by the lack of communication. He hasn’t so far but we will see. If you are unhappy I suggest everyone contact him and let him know! I got a hold of him on linkedin and I do give him credit for responding to and addressing some of the issues i brought up! Right now since everyone is so discouraged with Etsy, ebay and amazon is a time this site should be using to its advantage but unfortunately even after all these years noone knows about Bonanza! So in conclusion Ive done what I can to try and find out whats going on here and he assured me they have not abandoned this site!

asked about 15 hours ago

1 Comment

Fathertime says: March 17, 2025

Thank You for your efforts

1 Answer

That’s my big question. Is the site even alive? There were no blog posts for 3 months. He was pretty active in the beginning but now the site has quite a few dead links (i.e. webstores) and it is a bit concerning.
There was at one point before he bought the business they had 20+ employees. They would often respond on the forum to questions. Now how many do you ever see?
He blew off concerns about the shipping surcharge which PO’d a LOT of sellers too. For me, IF I would have still been selling 100+ orders a month here, I was using and that would’ve been $200 a month or more. It seemed like he was just indifferent to it. Then the Vercado fiasco. He wouldn’t take any feedback on the price or features. Now he’s backtracked and made it the same or cheaper than others.
To me, I saw several eBay alt sites in the early days of powersellersunite that gained major traction with the alt selling community, and they all disappeared after months of no communication or activity from the owner or team.
Thanks for posting this though. It does give some hope.

answered about 10 hours ago

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Asked: about 15 hours ago

Latest response: about 10 hours ago

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