Delicious. Broccoli raab is also known as broccoli asparago in Italy where it is prized for being a culinary delight. Spring rapini doesn't grow like the broccoli most people think of. It doesn't have a central head, but rather it is treasured for its cluster of yellow buds. These buds along with the tender green leaves are sauteed or used in salads in the finest eateries world wide for their rich, unique flavor.Best when grown in cool weather. Matures very quickly from seed. Green shoots have a captivating flavor. Cut 6" pieces when the 'broccolis' are the size of a quarter. You'll love it lightly sauteed with garlic and olive oil, fresh in salads and boiled soups. Seeds can be sown directly into garden when soil is warm or started in containers.
Zones 3-10.