1857 Geschichte der pädagogik Von Raumer History Pedagogy Education German
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Geschichte der pädagogik
vom Wiederaufblühen klassischer studien bis auf unsere zeit
Dritte, durchgesehene und vermehrte Auflage
Karl von Raumer
(History of Pedagogy from the revival of classical studies to our times. Third, reviewed and supplemented edition) In German language. Three out of four volumes
Second edition of important work on pedagogy and education, written by Karl Georg von Raumer, German geologist and educator. Even if his primary focus was geology, von Raumer was very prolific writer in the field of education as well. In four volumes, firstly published in 1846-55.
Stuttgart, Sam. Gottl. Liesching, 1857.
First volume Pp.: [X] + 528
Second volume Pp.: [XVI] + 579
Third volume Pp.: [XII] + 447
Dimensions: 22,5 x 15,5 cm
Binding: Original cloth binding with sticker on the spine cover. Scratches and signs of wear on the covers and along the edges of all three books. Bumped corners as well.
Condition: Foxing and signs of usage and ageing.
For additional details, please see the photos. More photos are available on demand
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