KeyBlaze Typing Tutor
Learn to touch type and speed type
Typing tutor software designed for learning touch
typing, 10 key and speed typing.
- Learn to type at home, school or work
- Improve and test your typing speed and accuracy
- Perfect for people of all skill levels
KeyBlaze starts with basic lessons on the home keys and
neighboring keys, and works though capitalization,
punctuation and numbers. It also includes practice lessons
using poetry, prose and problem keys, and features typing
tests with durations from 1 to 20 minutes.
Typing Tutor Features
- Typing lessons for home keys, neighbor keys,
capitalization, punctuation, numbers and more
- Practice exercises include trouble words, drills, prose
and poems
- Dictation audio exercises for transcription practice
- Initial skills test to determine current level
- Test typing skills at various interval durations
- Includes a typing game to practice typing skills
- Calculates net and gross words per minute WPM, or keys
per minute KPM on the 10 key number pad
- Keyboard highlighting shows correct finger placement
- Identifies troublesome words and characters where you
need more practice
- Import custom lessons, drills, and speed tests
- Sound and color highlighting notify you of mistakes
- Set personal words per minute speed goals
- Printable course completion certificates
- Wizard guides you through typing lessons
- 10 key number pad lessons
- Save typing test results to a csv or tsv report
- Quick and easy operation
Choose from a selection of typing lessons
Practice typing skills with various exercises
Typing games make practicing fun
Touch Typing Guidance
KeyBlaze features a full QWERTY keyboard and ten key number pad with
hand placement and highlighted keys showing you how to correctly type
the current key on the keyboard.