OUR COVEN LED BY Albina will cast her amazing spell for you!! The spell is called "The Animal Circle", and it promotes MANY amazing powers! Albina explains that she derived this spell from many different spells that draw upon the "unique powers of the many different creatures in the animal kingdom". She says that she was "instructed by my own guides" to bring forward this form of Magick because it "was time" for this complex spell. This remarkable spell will bring forth the following amazing powers:
1) The Might of Mane: promotes strength, freedom and persuasiveness, Albina says that just like the mighty horse this element will bridge gaps in communications and relations and enhance movement and progress. She adds that one will develop the ability to recognize Magick and psychic power just as horses as known to be capable of possessing these gifts! She also says one will be able to assert power, move forward and gain immense freedom in all endeavors!
2) The Swiftness of Wing: promotes Protection during travel, direction and guidance. Albina says that one will also experience connections with past lives and "receive" messages about the future. She adds that this element also "draws in birds as messengers and guides fro the bearer" and that one should be on alert in looking for these "signs" from messenger birds.
3) Breadth of Fin: This element promotes healing the body, mind and spirit just as the healing qualities of life giving water itself!! She also says that this element will assist in de-stressing and easing tension, while also promoting going "within" and achieving self-discovery. Also promotes salvation, restoration as well as a greater "social" network of support and drawing in those who will assist in developing the bearer's "school" of support!
4) Nocturnal Guardians: This aspect much like our winged nocturnal creatures promotes great protection and wisdom, clairvoyance, astral projection and Magick! Alibina says that this element will bring forth secrets to light, and the truth will be revealed. She says that one will also be more willing to take risks and "know" exactly when is is the right time to take risks!
5) Power of Horns: this aspect of the spell promotes like many horned creatures, Sacred Magick , power and abilities. As a result, she says one will "feel empowered and strong" and one will gain a Majestic and Regal demeanor as well as "warrior tact and abilities" that assist in overcoming obstacles and gaining the respect of foes and those who stand in the path of progress!
6) Beauty of the Innocent: promotes purity, cleansing and brings forth one's pure and innocent perspective of the self, others and the world as a whole". This aspect enhances a "pure and unfettered view of seeing oneself and those around one free of conditioned judgments and imposed opinions". Helps in communication with children and even animal guides!!
7) Howl of Wolf: This aspect allows the bearer to gain many of the Wolf's strengths such as intelligence, strength, and loyalty. She adds that one will gain leadership and self discipline and this will result int he breaking of many bad habits and outmoded behaviors. Family bonds will greatly improve and family will gain immense protection as well. Albina also wanted me to note that " the bearer will be able to detect opportunities by studying those around one much like the Wolf studies Ravens when seekign food sources".
Albina wanted to add that one will notice that they are usually "going through stages of change" with this very complex spell! She adds that it is important to "allow one's energies to align with the ond over a period of 3-4 weeks" . She closed by saying that she "was directed by my own guides" to share this spell because there were "many who would benefit" from it's power and amazing effects upon their lives! My Heartfelt Thanks and Warmest Blessings to Albina for all of her time and talents!!
My SINCERE Thanks to her for ALL of her time and talents!!