Heel Vomitusheel is a homeopathic medicinal product in the form of oral drops for the symptomatic treatment of nausea and vomiting. Suppresses the symptoms of conditions of lifting and reflex emptying of the stomach.
Composition in 100 g:
Medicinal substances: Ipecacuanha D4 10 g, Aethusa cynapium D4 10 g, Nuxvomica D4 10 g, Apomorphinum hydrochloricum D6 15 g, Colchicum autumnale D6 25 g, Ignatia D6 30 g.
Excipients: Contain 35 vol. % alcohol.
Shelf life after first opening the vial - 6 months. 

All our products are original from the official distributors in Bulgaria, produced  for the Bulgarian market . This is the reason , that the text on the leaflet and packing may be written in Bulgarian language .

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