Palladium "unlike other PGM metals" are very ductle softer to work with. There mined from a rare hydrothermal pyrohtte vein deposit, so the composition is rich with all PGM's, mostly Palladium, Rhodium, Nickle & traces of Gold. They have a natrual static silvery white shine. When roasted and sanded they will refract light brighter then gold similar to a diamond appearance. Very beautiful and perfect for a feminine energy! There mined from reef locations of Great Lakes in Canada's province. There such a beautiful rare alloyed blend of PGM that they out shine most native PGM online today. There very dense, clean & polishable, They come in blebs, leafs, and plates. A very workable precious metal, and much easier to use for electronic; just as they are in there raw form (ductile). Can be used as an electrocatalyst to generate hydrogen, electroplating and more. Can be used as a electrode without any further surface modifications.