Brand new factory sealed dvd 5-disc set in 3 slimline cases which slide into one big heavy cardstock case and is the complete TV series. ODYSSEY 5 was Canadian made (so was 'X-Files') and aired on Showtime cable network.
The crew of the Odyssey is on a routine flight of the space shuttle with a TV news reporter, a scientist, and four astronauts. They witness in horror as the Earth implodes into a fiery ball. Control of the Odyssey is momentarily lost and one astronaut is killed. The remaining 5 in the group resign themselves to death, but an inorganic being called the Seeker shows up and rescues them. He tells them he has witnessed 50 other worlds die in a similar fashion, but this is the first time he has found survivors. He offers to send them five years into the past so they can prevent the disaster.
While they search for the truth, the team must revisit their past lives with the knowledge of things to come. A recurring theme is that the actions of the group may hasten the cataclysm they are trying to avoid, or alter history in undesirable ways.
A character who was supposed to live longer, dies in the first episode after helping the group. In another episode, Sarah and Angela help a girl they know is going to be kidnapped, but the perp takes another girl instead. Kurt makes a large bet on a football game whose outcome is already known to him, but the pressure of knowing has a negative effect on a player instrumental in winning the game, and the team loses instead.
The only thing the team knows for sure is that a codename is associated with the disaster: Leviathan. The villains are a race of disembodied artificial intelligences known as "Sentients". These AIs are trying to learn about humanity through robots called "Synthetics", which are indistinguishable from humans. In the original timeline, a previous race of Synthetics were created by humans but were destroyed by a secret US government agency. Whether the destruction of Earth was in retaliation for this act by the Sentients is unknown.