This potent synergy blend originated from the tales of French thieves that used clove, lemon, eucalyptus, cinnamon, and rosemary essential oils to protect themselves while robbing the victims. Natura Bona further enhanced the old tale formula by fortifying it with essential oils of tea tree, thyme, lavender, oregano and neem, known nowadays for their positive effects in helping boost the immune system.
Protector is made from All-Natural and Organic Essential Oils; steamed and cold-pressed distilled to ensure purity, potency and best quality. The synergy blend can be massaged topically (after diluting) in your feet, base of neck and chest; use in a diffuser at home or work to help purify the air and uplift mood; use as an aromatherapy inhaler; add a few drops to bath water when under the weather to ease discomfort and help speed recovery; add a few drops to shampoo and lotions for extra support; add a few drops to dishwasher or laundry soap to help keep cleaning and eliminate odors. Mix with water in a spray bottle. Use on socks and shoes, trash bins and any other smelling substance or area for immediate results.
Make Natura Bonas Protector synergy blend part of your home must have.