Plot: Invade the high tech frontlines of modern warfare, engage in battle with over 64 players in some of the largest online battles on PC, as you fight for one of the three military superpowers - the US, the Chinese or the newly formed Middle East Coalition. A variety of solider classes including Assault, Sniper, Special Ops, Combat Engineer, Medic, Heavy Weapons, and Anti-Tank units New state-of-the-art weapon systems, including wire-guided missiles and Laser designated bombs Material penetration feature makes sure players know the difference between cover and concealment Character Persistence and Growth. Take control of over 30 land, sea, and air vehicles, including tanks, helicopters, hovercraft, fast attack vehicles, and fighter jets. With in-game success, players increase their rank from recruit all the way to General and unlock new weapons, medals, and more Join a squad or select the new Commander Mode to assume the strategic role of a battlefield commander directing his forces Full in-game community support including, buddy lists, stat tracking, live chat rooms, and in-game clan creation Voice over IP supported with Headset. 021222-021222P-VG1
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