The Ifrit is a infernal djinn spirit of a murdered victim seeking revenge on the murderer. Because of this, - this necklace is a great weapon in the hands of his bearer, if he got a lot of enemies. With that necklace with evoked ifrit, he not only will be protected from his enemies, but also will punish all of them in ways that he coudn`t imagine.

The ifrit that we evoke in that necklace is the famous Arghan Div. As an ifrit he is in pure connection with fire. He is often described as a dense cloud of smoke with human shape living in deserted places. We evoked this creature in exact day and hour of the Islamic month using sophisticated ritual work from our sufi order.

No matter how strong and powerful is your enemy - he will be punished by this creature. With this great necklace - a tremendous fear will grow in enemy heart, he will fear from you and will stay away from you. This won`t help him, because the ifrit will make him suffer in terrible pains!

This item can be worn by anyone – male or female. It cannot harm you.

When it is not on you – please – put it in its special box. The necklace comes also with a string.

It`s price is 115 US dollars including worldwide shipping!

Due to e-bay policies and restrictions, we have to tell you that this is a collectible non-magic item! If you want something else – write to us!