The Da Vinci Delusion is a new documentary from Dr. D. James Kennedy and Coral Ridge Ministries. This fascinating, fast-paced, and fact-filled one-hour DVD enlists a team of scholars and theologians to fact-check the best-selling book (40 million and counting) and soon-to-be blockbuster film (Sony Pictures; $125 million budget), The Da Vinci Code. “Although The Da Vinci Code is a murder mystery novel, it claims to be based on facts, and those so-called facts attack the very heart of Christianity," said Dr. Kennedy, the author of more than 65 books and one of America's most-watched television ministers. Filmed in Paris, Dallas, New York, Los Angeles, Atlanta, and elsewhere, The Da Vinci Delusion features 14 experts who test the book’s assertions against evidence from the Bible and history. Perhaps not since the third century — when Arius used prose and verse to spread his antichrist heresies — has popular culture been more thoroughly seduced by “doctrines of demons” dressed up in the guise of literature. It is vital that Christians see this book’s message and incredible popularity as a real challenge and opportunity to “contend for the faith that was once and for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). As importantly, it provides Christians a wonderful opening to engage their neighbors and the culture in a discussion as to who Jesus really is and what the Bible and history really has to say about the mysteries that swirl around His life and mission.