Shipped the next business day! We own a small family book store and sell our extra books and media that have been on our shelfs for too long. Additional Details ------------------------------ Product description: Though almost all branches of Christianity would claim to sail through the portals of heaven on a ship named GRACE, there is wide divergence of opinion on just what that means. One's understanding of justification, regeneration, sanctification, repentance, faith, and other subjects further refine the meaning of GRACE held by different factions within Christianity. This text book presents GRACE as absolutely free, not in the sense of being cheap or easy, but in the sense of a free gift (Eph 2:9) with no strings attached on either the front end or the back end of receiving this gift. The author believes this understanding of GRACE is a corollary of dispensationalism. Presented as an alternative to either Arminianism or Calvinism, this mediating position claims that God's so great salvation is absolutely free. Dave Anderson graduated from Rice University in 1967. He received his Th.M. from Dallas Theological Seminary in 1972 and his Ph.D. in the Greek New Testament and Early Christian Literature in 1998, also from Dallas Seminary. He served with his wife Betty as church planters in the Houston area for over thirty years. Along the way he has been an adjunct professor for Dallas Seminary, teaching in three areas: Greek NT, Systematic Theology, and Bible Exposition. Currently he is President of Grace School of Theology and professor of biblical languages and systematic theology.