Wooden Nickels Very Rare I'SOT Ones Pentecostal In Search Of Truth USA 237L.
I'SOT, which stands for In Search of Truth, is a Pentecostal/Bible-based offshoot Christian religious group founded in the late 1960s by E. Marie White in Santa Cruz, California. The group was named after a religious tract published by Mrs. White in Gilroy, California. The I'SOT community's main branch is in Canby, California, with a second branch in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Canby is known for the I'SOT's nativity scenes prominently displayed along the town's main street, California State Route 299. Of the several thousand one time dedicated members to pass through the group, a small group of about 150 to 200 active members are still living today in the small rural town of Canby in Modoc County, California and a few isolated places in the northwest.