TYR: Myth - Culture - Tradition, Vol. 1 286 pagesRReviewTyr is a unique, largely but not exclusively Pagan-oriented publication that is in fact rather difficult to categorize. It has much to recommend it, from scholarly articles on ancient European Pagan religion and mythology, thoughtful reflections on Ásatrú and other Pagan revival movements of the last several decades and their roots in earlier cultural movements such as Romanticism, interviews with leading figures in contemporary Paganism, philosophers and musicians, and music and book reviews. It also has certain more controversial political aspects ... Tyr is certainly one of the more thoughtful and scholarly, if not fully academic, Pagan publications available, and is recommended both for the quality of many of its articles on various Pagan and Pagan-related issues, and for its more controversial political aspects, which are a dimension of the modern Pagan revival in need of more sustained exposition, debate and analysis. --Michael Strmiska, The Pomegranate |