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*1* Snowflake Obsidian Tumbled Stone QTY1 30-50mm Healing Crystal Past Life
Snowflake Obsidian Tumbled Stone 30-50mm Healing Crystal Past Life

Opens Crown Chakra, gives attunement to spiritual guidance, useful for past-life recall

Snowflake Obsidian brings to bear the qualities of both black and red obsidian, stirring the vitality and virility within - it stabilizes and enhances the movement of the Kundalini Serpent within the chakras. It furthers assists one's ascension by opening up the Crown Chakra! Snowflake Obsidian has been used throughout the years from ancient times to now to heal disorders of the blood, skin, and ears.

SizeStones vary from 30-50mm - about 1-1/4" - 2"  This is for THREE stones - your stone will be selected from the lot show in the photo or very similar. These are beautiful stones!
Country: USA
Chakra:  Opens Crown Chakra


  • Assists in automatically grounding one during meditation

  • Stabilizes the movement of the Kundalini

  • Enhances one's energy fields

  • Softens communication to others as well as our own self-talk

Information on healing crystals is obtained from the book, LOVE IN IN THE EARTH, by Melody and is for entertainment purposes only.  

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