ITEM:  Twenty-Two (22) JIMMY MCNICHOL Articles

DESCRIPTION:  Twenty-Two (22) JAMES McNICHOL Color and B&W Articles

Two (2) Color Full-Page Articles / Fifteen (15) B&W Full-Page Articles / One (1) B&W Two-Page Article / One (1) B&W Three-Page Article 

Jimmy McNichol is an American actor, singer

Last seen on:  "Decker" as Son of Dracula (2017)
Best known as:  Josh Clayton on "General Hospital" (1984-1985)

Also seen in/on:  Reason for Living: The Jill Ireland Story, First the Egg, Me, Safe Harbor, California Cowboys, Butcher Baker Nightmare Maker, Smokey Bites the Dust, Blinded by the Light, California Fever (Vince Butler), Champions: A Love Story, The Fitzpatricks (Jack Fitzpatrick), Me and Dad's New Wife, Stranded, and more

Sizes:  8"x11" each 
Clippings are Rare and Hard-to-Find from various magazine sources
All clippings are original (no photo copies)

COPYRIGHT:  Teen Pin-Ups, Tiger Beat, Tiger Beat Super Special (1978-1979); Tiger Beat, Tiger Beat Star, Teen Beat, Teen Beat's Top Teens, 16 Magazine, Super Teen (1980-1981, 1984-1985)

FLAWS:  None. Yellowing, if any, is due to age


POSTAGE:  FREE (USA Only) / $8.85 (Canada) / $9.85 (Mexico) / $11.85 (United Kingdom) / $15.85 (Australia) / $19.85 (Germany) / $13.85 (All Other Countries) 

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