What a wonderful find! In this listing we're featuring a 1914 Art Nouveau Small Business Advertising Calendar, and boy oh boy does this Calendar have it all. Description from the top; 1st the business - line 1; PORTLAND HOTEL - line 2; (Over Brewery Saloon) - line 3; "THE DUKE", Proprietor - line 4; 361 North Front Street. Phone 205-J - line 5; Marshfield Oregon - Next we see an exquisitely rendered Art Nouveau gilded line frame with a flower on top that frames a beautiful painting by W. Henry titled, "Snow Capped Sentinel".
Note" W. Henry was a famous preeminent painter of the day, known for his brilliant landscapes from across America. Lastly, the piece de resistance, we have a completely original 1914 calendar completely intact with January as it's first page. Also note, the font used on the calendar is typical highly stylized Art Nouveau font.
We want to make sure everyone understands that this calendar is not a reproduction. It is a genuine Ad calendar from 1914 that has been incredibly preserved.