Grade:  elementary

Summary:  The White House. The Washington Monument. The Lincoln Memorial. The Jefferson Memorial. The Capitol building. These structures define and glorify our nation's history and stand today as towering symbols of architectural achievement. However the tale behind their construction is often left untold and many questions are often times left unanswered.

How did the White House become white?
Who designed the capital city?
What is the Washington Monument made of?
Find the answers to these questions and many more about our stunning national capital, Washington D.C., within the pages of this illuminating book by award-winning author and illustrator Lynn Curlee.

In Capital, Mr. Curlee explores the forces behind, and the people working for, the creation of these monuments, detailing the brilliance, agony, and creative spirit that went into them. With extraordinary paintings and a moving narrative, he revitalizes the history of Washington, D.C., and the growth of a nation, for young readers