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If you are among those on the fence and aren’t sure of whyyou should switch to using Manjaro Linux then here are 10 reasons to convinceyou.


1. Manjaro is Arch Linux Made Easy

This statement will make sense to you from the moment youburn Manjaro onto a LIVE CD or USB and begin setting it up.

In 2018, a Linux newbie can easily pick Manjaro as his firstLinux distro but the same cannot be said about even Arch Linux (in most cases).


The Manjaro team has successfully made Arch Linux availableto everyone, newbie or professional, and because it carries all the goodies inArch with it, more people can now access the awesomeness of Arch Linux throughManjaro.


2. No More PPAs

Manjaro Linux boasts a customized repository which ensuresthat all accessible software packages whether updates, fixes, or applications,are fully tested to be stable and are 100% compatible with your system.


Manjaro’s repo is a lot more organized with fewer brokenand/or outdated packages which makes it more reliable to use.

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3. No More System Updates Craze

The very first issue I had the first time I used Ubuntu isits persistent updates. Although I got past that issue and stuck with it overthe years, I can’t deny that I would like it if I had to worry less aboutupdating my system. Enter Manjaro Linux.


Manjaro Linux, unlike Ubuntu and folds of distros like it,is a rolling release, which means that its core system is always up to date.

4. The Arch Wiki

The Arch wiki is a comprehensive body of knowledgecontaining documentation for virtually any task you want to complete in ArchLinux and even other distributions.

Because Manjaro Linux is an Arch Linux derivative that staysclose to the heart of Arch, you can take advantage of this elegant knowledgebase


5. Pacman Package Manager

Pacman is the package installer that Arch Linux uses justlike Ubuntu uses APT and Fedora uses DNF. As far as I know, it is moreefficient than APT and is more minimal to use seeing as you wouldn’t need totype a lot of commands to get stuff done.


For example, installing any package is done with:


# pacman -S package-name


Updating the entire system is done with:


# pacman -Syu

Pacman is a CLI app but you can use it with any of manypackage managers including Pamac.


6. Easy Kernel Switching

Currently, Manjaro users can easily switch between using anyof the Linux kernel versions from 3.10 to 4.18 straight from the Kernel sectionof the Manjaro Settings Manager.




Here, you can see the recommended Kernel version to use,manage all the available kernels for installation, and view their changelogsand type (LTS versions).


7. Arch User Repository

The coolness of the AUR cannot be over-emphasized. It is acollection of software that Arch is yet to officially provide for its users(i.e not in the Arch repository) and apps like Yay and Octopi make itconvenient to work with.


Its applications are added by community members to enableother users to use applications without the stress of downloading and compilingsource files and be cautious when using the AUR though, to avoid some issues.And you should check out the Manjaro Wiki AUR page too.

8. Easy Access to Software

To add some sugar to the fact that Manjaro uses the AUR,many software that is more or less tricky or tedious to install on other distroare readily available for Manjaro users.


For example, all the time that Ubuntu users were strugglingto set up steam and Spotify on their machines, Arch users were chilling.


9. A Welcoming Community

Manjaro Linux has a community of users that welcomeseverybody and is ready to help anyone have an enjoyable computing experience.

This means that if the Arch Wiki seems to compact and searchengines are of no help, you don’t need to look too far. Because apart from thesocial media pages, the official Manjaro forum is always there for you.


10. A Beautiful Desktop Environment

Saving the first thing for the last, Manjaro’s DE is thefirst instance of the OS you will focus to interact after booting and it isnothing short of beautiful and easy to use.


You can decide to use GNOME, Cinnamon, or any otherpreferred DE with customizable panels, icons, etc.


You don’t have to worry about compulsorily typing commandsbecause Manjaro features a settings manager with a huge array of controls andcustomization options.


So, now you have 10 solid reasons to use Manjaro Linux.There are more but I will leave that to our readers to add and for you todiscover.