American Artist
Artist magazine of largest circulation. Artist profiles/interviews include multiple photos and reproductions over multiple pages, PLUS: Illustrations, technical features, columns, vintage ads and MORE --Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below! Issue Date: MARCH, 1987; VOLUME 51, ISSUE 536 IN THIS ISSUE:- This description copyright Edward D Peyton. Any un-authorized use of this description is strictly prohibited. FRONT COVER: Lilies From the MarKet, oy Eileen Monaghan Whitaker, 1981, watercolor, 30 x 22. Collection the artist. FEATURES: EILEEN MONAGHAN WHITAKER by Janice Lovoos. Continuing to draw on the vast resources of American Artist during its Golden Anniversary Celebration, we offer a profile of this outstanding watercolorist who has had a close association with the magazine for decades. THE WATERCOLOR PAGE: CATHERINE S. MEANS. Minneapolis artist Catherine S. Means discusses the experience of painting with watercolor and explains her respect for the medium. DANIEL DALLMANN by Thomas Bolt. This Pennsylvania artist's landscapes and figure paintings will be exhibited in a New York City gallery this month. Dallmann describes the development of these paintings. AUDREY USHENKO by Eunice Agar. This Illinois artist-teacher possesses both the theoretical knowledge and the technical skill to make strong, contemporary statements in her pictures. TECHNIQUES OF SCRATCHBOARD DRAWING by Cathy Farley, with artwork by Lee Farley. Virginia artist Lee Farley gives a step-by- step demonstration of scratchboard techniques used in combination with airbrush colors. PAINTING SKIN THE COLOR OF LIFE by Franklin Alexander. In Alexander's third informative article on painting techniques, he describes how contemporary artists can paint skin tone with the same accuracy and believability as the Old Masters. FAME AND FORTUNE IN THE ART WORLD by Hilton Brown. Professor Brown looks specifically at eleven artists profiled in early issues of the magazine who have since been forgotten by the general museum-going public. DEPARTMENTS: ART MART. LETTERS. PROFESSIONAL PAGE by Jana Jevnikar. ART BOOKS. BULLETIN BOARD. TECHNICAL PAGE by Prof. Clifford T. Chieffo. COMING IN APRIL. INDEX TO ADVERTISING. EXHIBITS. This description copyright Edward D Peyton. Any un-authorized use of this description is strictly prohibited. Magazine is COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD +++ condition. (See photo)