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Green Moss Agate Tumbled Stone 15-20mm QTY4 Healing Crystal Nature Spirits Birth
Green Moss Agate Tumbled Stone Healing Crystal

Size:  15-20mm measured along longest side. 
Country of Origin:Beautiful and highly polished, from India
Zodiac Sign:  Virgo
Number:  Vibrates to #1
Chakra:  Heart

This listing is for THREE stones.

Beautiful color - dark green with creamy white flecks with some blue - nice quality - your stone will be chosen from lot pictured or similar lot. 
These are natural stones and vary in size and color.

Stabilizing stone, connected to nature - helpful for people working in agriculture and botanical sciences
Helps one to connect with all the beauty around
Aids in communication with/between the plant and mineral kingdoms and Nature Spirits
Useful to reduce sensitivities to weather and environmental pollution
Midwives use as a birthing crystal to help with childbirth
Improves self-esteem
Good stone for people in agriculture, horticulture, and botany such as farmers and botanists
Can be useful when persisting with a problem
Balances emotions - helpful in dealing with depression
Speeds up recovery from physical ailments
Helps with memory
Use as an elixir to the skin to clean up fungal and skin infections
American Indian Power Stone
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