Cover is VG (shelf wear)
Record is G
Labels are clean
Visually Graded
Side 1
1 Ump-Diddle-Diddle
2 The Elephant's Alphabet
3 Pete Petersen's House
4 The Longest Train
5 Why The Giraffe Laughed
6 The Dancing Bear
Side 2
1 Bouncing Ball
2 The Gobbledegook
3 The Lion Tamer
4 Sven Svensen
5 The Frog, The Duck, The Fish
6 Wooden Shoes
Stanley Augustus Holloway (1 October 1890 – 30 January 1982) was an English actor, comedian, singer and monologist. He was famous for his comic and character roles on stage and screen, especially that of Alfred P. Doolittle in My Fair Lady. He was also renowned for his comic monologues and songs, which he performed and recorded throughout most of his 70-year career.