This listing is for a direct bind to a protective and caring Baku (Dream Eater). Bakus, originating from Japan, are much revered, powerful protectors who guard over their keeper’s dreams. Bakus are known to eliminate nightmares and bring good luck.
They are intended for children but are equally helpful to people of an older age. They bring a sense of comfort, relaxation, and peace to those frightened of the dark, or simply ill at ease. They are pure and of white light and love. They are natural protectors, not just at night, but there to care for and guard their companions at all times.
Bakus will enter their companion’s home and thoroughly cleanse it, ridding negative energy, hexes and curses, and any evil or unwanted spirits or entities. They are not the typical spirit where some interaction is either vital or encouraged. They are “loners” of sorts, keeping to themselves, but their presence can be felt – which is calming and comforting.
Many blessings!
*This listing is for entertainment purposes only and is not listed as having any metaphysical or paranormal properties. The listing is for tangible items only. *
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