Bael is a fruit similar to oranges and lemons.
It has a smooth hard shell They are 5-15 cm in diameter.
When raw, the bark is green.But when ripe, it is
a yellowish brown color.Inside the fruit has
a thick, yellow-orange pulp.Numerous seeds are
embedded in the pulp and a sticky liquid
surrounds them.They have a tart flavor.
The immature fruit is ripe. It has a sweet tart
flavor and a mild aroma.
Benefits of Bael Fruit Juice :
1. Bael has properties to cure heat in.
Relieve thirst and give freshness.
2. Bael is a traditional medicine that
helps relieve heat in the body.
Helps to recover well
3. Bael helps relieve exhaustion from diarrhea.
4. Properties of Bael help expel wind,
relieve flatulence, help drain the stomach.
5. Bael helps appetite. help heal the intestines
6. The benefits of bael as a mild laxative.
7. Bael has a sweetness that is not
harmful to health.
8. Bael helps relieve constipation.
Relieve stomach ache from indigestion
make the stomach feel comfortable
Ingredients: Bael 100%
How to drink: 1 tea bag soaked in 1 glass of hot water.
(Soak for 2-5 minutes, use a spoon to
gently massage the sachet to dissolve can
drink regularly, morning-evening)
**Caution in consuming all kinds of herbs :
Every herb has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Consumption should be used in the right amount.
If you have any underlying disease, you should
consult your doctor before consuming.
FDA : 73-1-03842-2-0099
##thai #Tea #herbal #Bael #genuine