10 Vegetable Seeds Summer Yellow Squash

Yellow squash are summer squash, which are are the young fruit of Cucurbita pepo and members of the Cucurbitaceae family. They are a variety of marrow squash. Cantaloupe and cucumber also share in that family tree and are Cucurbits.

Botanical Name :Cucurbita pepo.

Common Name:Crookneck squash, Summer squash, Yellow squash.

Plant Type:Vegetable, annual.

Mature Size:2 feet tall, 3 to 4 feet wide.

Sun Exposure:Full sun.

Soil Type:Loamy, well-drained.

Soil pH  :5.8 to 6.8.

Bloom Time:Summer.

Flower Color:Yellow.

Zones:3 - 10 (USDA).

Native Area :North America, Central America, South America.