Health Benefits of Frankincense

Frankincense contains volatil oil and other chemical components such as 13.1% monoterpenes (decanol, α-terpineol, and linalol; esters viz. bornyl acetate, neryl acetate, and geranyl acetate), 1% sesquiterpenes and 42.5% diterpenes. These active chemical compounds provides some health benefits to human health that has been proven or not yet proven. Frankincense is also called as amazing gift of God that known as mastermind oil. Below are the best proven health benefits of Frankincense

1. Protect liver

Study by badria et al in 2003 reported that frankincense as Boswellia carterii extract in combination with glycyrrhizin has a strong biochemical and histopathological hepatoprotective effect on rat Liver Injury. It means that the frankincense is effective to protect the liver from certain injury and free radical damage.

2. Treat herpes

An active component in frankincense that called as triterpenoids showed Anti-Herpes activity and Immunomodulatory effects according to study by Badria et al. 2003 and Botros et al. In 2003. This study proved that frankincense is effective in treating herpes and prevent the invention of herpes virus that can affect the skin and genital organs.

3. Improve immune function

A study by sharma and Singh in 1989 showed that the ingestion of a alcoholic extract of Boswellia or frankincense can improve immunity and increase the leukocytes level and also antibody production which slightly improve immune modulator response. This benefits proven and this is why people has know frankincense as best cure that can prevent some disease.

4. Treat inflammatory bowel disease

The gum resin extract from Boswellia of frankincense reported to have positive therapeutic effects in inflammatory bowel disease even the mechanism of this benefits still need to be learnt more through several research according to Krielgstein, 2001. Another clinical study reported that frankincense can treat inflammation that occur in the digestive tract (Gehardt et al., 2001).

5. Inhibit tumor growth

According to study by Huan et al in 2000, frankinsence contains an active constituents called β-boswellic acid and it has anti-tumor and antihyperlipidemic activities. This substance can inhibit the cell to proliferate and kill the remains tumor cancer which growth in the body tissues.

6. Reduce symptoms of arthritis

Boswellia tree sap or frankincense has also been observed can inhibit human leukocyte elastase that can cause the symptom of arthritis. This benefits is delivered by components in frankincense that has anti-arthritis and anti-inflammation properties. A study conducted by badria et al in 2004 also showed that after one month of treatment with frankincense oil there was a significant reduction of pain on the muscle and joint active movement, passive movement, tenderness, nocturnal pain and a significant improvement of pain free walking time in arthritis patient.

7. Lower blood pressure

Frankincense has non acid part that belong to the gum and it has releiever and sedative function and in high dose can lower the blood pressure especially in treatment of hypertension patient. High blood pressure is one of the leading cause of heart disease that known as number one killer in the world.

8. Relieves pain

Frankincense oil can significantly reduce and relieve pain since it has anti-inflammatory properties. It can relieve pain and make you feel more confortable.

9. Prevent diabetes

Boswellia gum or frankincense has been used for the treatment of diabetes since it has anti-hypergicemic effect that can maintain normal blood sugar level within the blood according to study that reported by Adrian in 1998.

10. Prevent cardiovascular disease

By lowering the blood pressure and maintain healthy blood vessel, frankincense has been proven can reduce the risk of heart disease by almost 20%. Its really a good news to people who loves to use this frankincense oil as natural remedy for their health problem.

11. Treat skin disorder

Study by Adrian in 1998 also mentioned that frankincense active components can slightly treat skin disorder such as eczema and fungal infection on skin.

12. Treat bronchial asthma

Badria et. al, 2002 and Gupta et al, 1998 reported that frankincense can be used to treat bronchial asthma in some people. According to the study, during the 6 week of treatment, the subjects took frankincense regularly and after 6 months it show significant effect. Subjects with bronchial asthma that take boswelic acid or frankincense treatment have fewer asthmatic effects compared to them who don’t take the treatment.

13. Treat Hepatitis C

A study that conducted in Egypt showed that HCV infected patient who took frankincense daily supplement treatment for 18 months has significant improvement of reducing this disease. Frankincense is also effective to prevent the hepatitis virus infection to the body

14. Delay aging on skin

Some anti aging product including frankincense as their ingredients since it has been proven can promotes collagen production and rejuvenating new skin cell that may aids in young and firm skin.

15. Cure cancer

A study by martin watt in 2014 reported that toluene compounds in frankincense has benefit in preventing cancer cell growth and infected the tissue in the body.