It is brand new. It has been opened, but never used. It comes with 300 cards and it includes 6 trivia themes.
Playing The Game
The game consists of 6 rounds. Each round begins with a different category from the box.
Round 1 begins with 'The Arts &Music'. The youngest player starts, and the player to their left is their question master. Beginning with the starting category, 1 trivia card is drawn and the question read aloud.
If answered correctly, further questions may be asked from each subsequent category in a clockwise order around the box, until a question has been asked from each category.
Players may continue answering questions from each category if answering correctly. If a player answers incorrectly their round is over. One point is scored for each correct answer.
Play passes to the next player, and their question master is the player to their left, who repeats the process. Once all players have had the opportunity to answer questions, round 1 is over, and players total their points for the round.
Each subsequent round begins with a new starting category and is played following the process above.
Winning The Game
At the end of the six rounds, total up the scores, and you should have a winner.
Alternatively, for a more casual 'all play' game, select a question master, who will simply pick questions at random and keep a points tally of players' scores. Perhaps agree that the first person to reach a certain number of points will win the game.