1949 edition. Blue cover with embossed Nauvoo temple within the gold-trimmed box on the front cover. The pages are crisp and clean. No DJ. Hardcover with light shelf wear. We recycle/reuse packing materials and we ship quickly!
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Product description: Blue cloth covers, with Gilt Rectangle with embossed mountain inside. 9X6.5" Period 1, Volume 1 only. Joseph Smith's birth and lineage-The prophets first Vision-this is my beloeved son. The visitation of Moroni-existence of the book of mormon made known. The nephite record delivered to Joseph-The angel's warning-the work of translation. Oliver cowdery becomes the prophet's scribe-The translation of the plates continued. Restoration of the Aaronic Priethood-first Babtisms. The testimony of the especial witnesses to the book of Mormon. The day appointed for organizing the church-Revelation on church government. The book of mormon published-the church organized. The commencement of the Public Ministry of the church. Themolestation at colesville by Mobs-The revelation embodying the vision of moses. Further Light respecting the sacrament-Prophet's removal to Payette. And MUCh More.