FINALLY WE HAVE AMASSED A LARGE COLLECTION OF HAG STONES. WE WERE ONE OF THE VERY FIRST SELLERS TO LIST HAG STONES AND NOW WE ARE BACK WITH OUR LATEST COLLECTION LAST TIME WE LISTED ON ONE LISTING THIS TIME ROUND WE ARE DEDICATING 1 LISTING TO 1 STONE SO YOU ARE SURE YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR GETTING. WE CAN GUARANTEE ALL ARE REAL AND ALL FROM THE COAST OF THE UK WE WILL NEVER DIVULGE THE LOCATIONS. ALL I CAN TELL YOU IS THEY ARE FROM 14 PRIVATE BEACHES WE HAVE ACCESS TO SO THEY HAVE NEVER BEEN WALKED ON BY THE PUBLIC ALL HAVE BEEN PRIOR CLEANSED .................... THE STONE IN THE PHOTO IS THE ONE YOU WILL RECEIVE, POSTED AND PACKED WELL. WE LOOK AFTER THESE STONES AS THE REPRESENT YEARS OF WORK BY MOTHER NATURE THEY COMMAND RESPECT . ....................... In Mythology a 'Hag' Stone was a stone which has a hole through it caused by running water, either by river or Sea. Running water was believed to be insusceptible to magic, hence the ritual of cleansing them under running water. Hag Stones were used as protective Talismans. Dorset Fishermen used them as protective charms against evil spirits also when changing the name of a boat. One stone was hung for every letter they were changing and left for a year on the boat. Hampshire apple growers hung them in orchards to bring good luck and ripe, juicy apples ready for cider making! ...................... In Italy the 'Holed' or 'Holey' Stone is considered a key to the Fairy Realm. In many rural parts of Europe these stones were said to keep away the 'Evil Hag' to stop her stealing children and Horses, to dispel the 'Evil Eye' and prevent the 'Succubus-Hag' from riding on your chest during nightmares, three were hung in the house also to honour the three aspects of the goddess (Maiden, Mother, Crone.) All of my stones are 100% ORIGINAL all from various UK locations. For your information also they were collected with the express permission from the gods. The collector asked for the stones to appear in her path and only collected stones that caught her eye. This is a very difficult thing to do as you naturally look for the things you need. These stones in our store are 100% authentic. COLLECTED BY A HEREDITARY WITCH . .................... POSTAGE IS PRICED BY THE SIZE OF THE STONE ALL ROYAL MAIL ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ALL PHOTOS © eclectic shop uk ltd NO UNAUTHORISED USE PLEASE RESPECT THIS. WE DON'T LIKE TO USE IMAGES OTHER THAN OUR OWN WE SPEND TIME AND TAKE PRIDE IN THEM. Thank you ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** One Supplied EXPORT AND CUSTOMS NON UK CUSTOMERS ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Please note we are not responsible for your customs fees. All CN22 and CN23 forms are filled out direct from. (with every delivery company used depending on your order) We will post your item with all paperwork and once posted it is your responsibility for the fee to be paid. |