Rose Quartz Healing Properties and Benefits
What Healing Properties Are Reported Of Rose Quartz
The use of rose quartz is said to date back as far as 7,000 B.C. It’s also been claimed
that Egyptian and Roman women used rose quartz face masks to clear their complexions and prevent wrinkles.
Today rose quartz is often used as jewelry, for meditation, or as decoration in homes or office spaces.
The rose quartz is a pale pink stone that’s part of the quartz crystal family.
Deeper pink varieties of the stone are sometimes called strawberry rose quartz.
Lavender rose quartz varieties are pale purple.
Rose quartz is a mineral composed primarily of silicon dioxide molecules that typically
form at about 752°F to 1,292°F (400°C to 700°C). The crystal can be found across the
United States, Australia, Brazil, Madagascar, South Africa, India, Sweden, and Germany.
The rose quartz is believed to embody powerful healing qualities t
hat may be beneficial both for physical and emotional health.
It’s said by some that rose quartz can:
heal relationship problems
promote mutual understanding
inspire an attitude of compassion and kindness
It’s also believed it can boost feelings of:
peace - calm - self-love
“Predominantly, rose quartz is a crystal of unconditional love that brings
deep healing to the heart by opening the heart chakra,” Birch explains.
“Once achieved, a deeper state of calmness, serenity, and peace is reached,
which ultimately results in complete relaxation,
encouraging the feelings of happiness and contentment.”
The rose quartz is also believed to have benefits for
physical health, particularly when worn or carried on your body.
Rose quartz “is especially powerful when worn close to the heart,” Birch claims. “Rose quartz wards
off negativity, and when carried on your person, helps to replace negative emotions with positive,
returning the wearer to that place of pure love and balance.”
That said, you should never use a crystal to replace the
advice and treatment of a qualified healthcare professional.