These cards, forged in the depths of a neon-lit metropolis, carry within them the secrets of a world driven by technology and fueled by greed. Each card is a digital gateway, leading to a realm where virtual and physical realities merge into a single entity. Their designs are sleek and futuristic, their edges sharp as a razor's edge, and their energy pulses with a life all their own. These cards hold the key to unlocking a power that can manipulate reality itself, bending the fabric of space and time to the whim of the user. But beware, for the line between creator and creation is a thin one, and those who seek to harness this power must do so with caution, for the consequences of their actions may be more than they can handle. This Tarot Deck includes 78 Major and Minor Arcana cards, all fully illustrated and printed at the 2.2"x3.43" size.