You can find more vintage issues Architectural Digest here. CONTENTS:
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INTERIOR DESIGN 54 Time After Time Historical Allusions in a London Townhouse Interior Design by Nicholas Haslam Text by William Boyd/Photography by Derry Moore 62 In the Still of the City A New York Apartment's Quiet Sophistication Interior Design by Will Machado Text by David Rosenthal/ Photography by Jaime Ardiles-Arce 74 Eve of a Connoisseur Mrs. lohn Wintersteen in PennsvIvania interior Design bv Billv Baldwir Text by lames S. Wamsley Photography by Billy Cunningham 86 A Fine Romance Diane Burn Eden's Manhattan Penthouse Interior Design by Diane Burn Eden Text by Louise Bernikow / Photography by Russell MacMasters 114 Palm Beach Story Cosmopolitan Luster in Florida Interior Design by Robert Metzger, ASID Text by Jesse Kornbluth/Photography by Peter Vitale 120 Frontier Villa Bill and Maggie Pearson's Northern California Country House Text by Herb Caen/Photography by Russell MacMasters 132 Peace and Plenty Farm A Haven in the Virginia Hills Text by Heywood Hale Broun/ Photography by Peter Vitale ART AND ANTIQUES 96 Art: Beauty of the Bath Private Moments Rendered by Impressionist Masters Text by Marina Warner 126 Antiques: Utopian Inspirations Rare Furniture from the Arts and Crafts Era Text by lames S. Wamsley SPECIAL FEATURES 68 Architecture: Enrique Aguirrezabala Text by Gavin Stamp / Photography by Jose Luis Perez 80 Architectural Digest Visits: Michael Tilson Thomas Text by John Gruen/ Photography by Peter Vitale 102 The Collectors: Vibrant Expressions Daniel Melnick's Los Angeles Residence Text by Irene Borer/Photography by Mary E. Nichols 110 Gardens: Caribbean Groves Keeping Memory Green on Grand Bahama Text by Anthony Weller/ Photography by Derek Fell 138 Profiles: Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Stevens Text by Susan Mary Alsop/Photosraphy by lohn Dominis 144 Historic Houses: Rosa Bonheur at Thomery Framework for an Artist's Life Text by Catherine Styles- McLeod/Photography by Marianne Haas |