Vintage Post card of: “Twenty-seventh President of the U. S. Inaugurated March 4, 1909”. Photo card in black and white with following description below the photo “Was born Cincinnati, On Sept. 15, 1857, graduate of Yale, 1878, was class orator and salutatorian. Received Law degree, Cinn. College Law School, 1880, and same year was admitted to Ohio bar. Became Judge U.S. Circuit Court 1892, appointed President Philippine Commission, 1900 and 1st Civil Governor of Philippine Islands. July 4, 1901. Secretary of War, Feb. 1, 1904. Received Republican nomination for Presidency June 18, 1908 and was elected Nov., 3, 1908.” American Post Card “Photogravure” series No. 125, Subject No. 2323. Published by The Ulllman Manufacturing Co., New York. Green One Cent Ben Franklin Stamp Post marked Oct. 17, 2 PM, 1910. Affixed to the card