No Honor, 4 Issues (Image / Top Cow Comics, 2001) COMPLETE.
NO HONOR is Fiona Avery's four-issue tale of one thief who finally runs out of luck and runs into Tannen Yojimbo, the spirit of a Samurai who will change his world forever.
Issue #1, Everything is Never Enough
(Cover Variant, David Finch)
View the world through the eyes of a world-class art thief. Witness the theft of an antique katana and the rebirth of an ancient Samurai soul in the body of a thief without honor. Fall in love with someone you could never possibly know, hunt while being hunted, and taste the world again for the first time in 1300 years.
Issue #2, The Ghosts in the Glass
We find the art thief, Random, on the run. Random seeks to find answers to his condition. Why did the museum heist get busted? Why is there an ancient Samurai spirit trapped within his body? Who is the mysterious dark-haired woman who broke into his apartment, stealing documents relating to the crime of the katana? But the answers the thief finds have nothing to do with his predicament, and everything to do with the world of the dead. As the cops close in, matters escalate until the Samurai, Tannen, gets his first taste of gunfire -- up close and entirely too personal.
Issue #3, Shichi Fukujin
Will Random and Tannen, inhabiting the same body, survive a gunshot wound to the chest? Can they get out of the country before Brit Morrigan, the head of the NYPD art squad and a former thief, finds them first? The stakes are high and the price of escape is even higher: someone is going to die.
Issue #4, No Honor
The secret path to understanding is unlearning all that you have learned. In order to understand why Random has been inhabited by the spirit of a relentless Samurai warrior, he travels to Japan. But it is a Japan he never expected to encounter and the circumstances of Tannen's death are ones Random isn't supposed to learn. But he must uncover what happened. The very circumstances of Tannen's death could release Tannen's spirit, freeing both men of their bond.