ASIN 0971568219
Developed in support of state licensing and regulatory agencies as well as state child care, health, and resource and referral agencies, and a variety of other public and private organizations, parents, and advocacy groups, this guide identifies those standards most needed for the prevention of injury, morbidity, and mortality in child care settings. The first section of the guide, "Building: Safety Policies and Practices," addresses topics such as facility access, exits, electrical fixtures, heating and ventilation, fire warning systems, pest control, play areas, water supply, and environmental hazards. The second section, "Other Safety Policies and Practices," addresses topics such as sanitation practices, emergency plans and procedures, first aid, licensing, and illegal drugs. The third section of the guide, "Policies/Practices/Staff Training," addresses topics such as staff ratios, orientation, first aid and CPR training, staff health, background check, child abuse recognition, discipline practices, developmentally appropriate practices, medication administration, confidential information, and release authorization. The final section, "Infection Control," addresses topics such as hand washing, diapering, food safety, reporting communicable diseases, HIV children and staff, drop-in care, ill child exclusion, immunizations, and universal precautions. The appendix consists of a glossary of terms, research methodology, and immunization schedules.
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