This is a Set of Two Beautiful Golden Phantom Selenite Crystal Specimens from Utah in Great Condition and with Gorgeous Inner Depth!
These Two Beautiful Golden Phantom Selenite Crystals Display Wonderful Translucency with Clear and Golden Orange Details, Lovely Crystal Structure and Depth, and Vibrant Inner Glow! Both with Wonderful Energy and Vibrancy and are Wonderful for Meditation!
Origin: Utah, USA
Specimen #1: 3.4 inches x 1.2 inches x 0.9 inches
Specimen #2: 4.25 inches x 1.25 inches x 0.9 inches
Crystal WEIGHT:
Specimen #1: 52 grams
Specimen #2: 97 grams
~ Golden Phantom Selenite is a Wonderful Crystal for Attuning with the Wisdom of our Soul. These Treasures help to Cleanse the Body, Mind, and Soul of denser energy to help us Connect further with our Inner Wisdom and helps us to see more Clearly within ourselves to further let our Light Shine.
Arrives Safely Packaged.
~ Cleansed with Sage and Charged with Reiki by Solara Solstice before Shipped. ~