Dozens of Projects and Patterns for Holidays with the faces of Christmas
Cross Stitch Patterns and instructions for
Christmas tree in Frame
Alphabet Ornaments
Santa Tree Skirt
Santa in Frame
Cat Ornaments
Patriotic Santa
Flag Beaded Ornament
Patriotic Angel Ornaments
Flower Girl Ornaments
St Nicholas Ornaments
White Santa in Frame
Angel Children Ornaments
Embroidered Ornaments
White Santa Treetop Ornament
Embroidered Tree Skirt
Bear, Dog and Cat Stuffed Shapes
Nativity Figures
Fruit Wreath Pillow
Fruit Ornaments
Fruit Laden Santa in Frame
Angel and Poinsettia Cones
Angel Candy Bag
Santa Pail
Poinsettia and Holly Crackers
Santa Candy Bag
Wreath and Bird Shaker Boxes
Small Perforated Paper Frames
Lest we Forget Bookmark
Rose Ball Ornaments
Large Perforated Paper Frames
Tree and Poinsettia Beaded Ornaments
Perforated Paper Ornaments
O Christmas Tree Tray
Angel Afghan
Santa Sweater
96 pages hardbound book pull of projects with full color Pictures!
The book is complete in like new condition