THIS ITEM IS A DIGITAL DOWNLOADABLE ITEM WHICH WILL BE SENT TO YOU BY EMAIL THIS ITEM COMES INFUSED WITH DIVINE ANGELIC HEALING ENERGY. TO SET THE SCENE FOR A SUCCESSFUL OUTCOME; YOUR INTENT WILL RECEIVE POSITIVE DIVINE THETA AND REIKI ENERGY HEALING.-- -- --@-- -- --@-- -- --@-- -- --@10% Discount Coupons are Currently Being Sent To Everyone Who FAVOURITES This Item and any other Item in this shop. Just Click On The Little Heart On The Image.-- -- --@-- -- --@-- -- --@-- -- --@*[1] MAGICKAL ROSE WATER TONER RECIPE TO TURN HEADS"For the pursuit of beauty and spiritual attainment. It provides you with peace and alluring attractivenessAdded magickal connotation literally turns heads as you walk down the streetOthers will find you seductive and mysteriousYou will find increasingly that others start to treat you like a GoddessHandcrafted facial toner made with all-natural ingredients to cleanse, tone, and tighten your skin.Made with enticing vodka and moon water!This Rose water is rich in vitamins A, C E which makes it great to reduce pores, the signs of aging such as fine lines, wrinkles, and dark spots also work great to firm the skin.Great for treating acne because it helps to restore the skin's ph after cleansing.Loaded with antibacterial properties which help to keep inflammation at a minimum, essentially reducing the number of pimples that may appear.An essential component of your everyday skincare routineRosewater can add a moisture boost to skin, Rosewater can also work on its own to amplify the hydrating effects.Rosewater is a powerful beauty potion that hydrates heals, and maintains the skin’s pH balance.Rose water can increase your happiness and help you destress. In aromatherapy, rose water and rose oil have long been used to relax patients, relieve headaches, and calm nervesThis Is A DIY CastingGet This Exact Same Casting Cast Professionally For You By Me At : go direct to https// and create an account from there so you may access my profile and send me a messageThough Why pay 10s, to 100s to 1000s for someone else to cast the spell for you, when you can simply Do It Yourself with my Easy How To Guide For Baby Witches; Provided To You On Purchase Of This ListingOr You May Just Purchase This, Label It « A Wish For The Divine » In The Notes Section……And Let The Heavens Do The RestNB. You Won’t Get Any Reply From Me At Purchase You Can Go Directly To The Purchases Section Of Your Profile To Obtain Your GuideIn a reading chosen from my shop I can work to identify all options for you and what combination of castings will be best suited for your situation""This is an extract from my own Grimoire, which took many years to compile. Any spells that didn't work were discarded, only the spells which had POWERFUL FAST ACTING RESULTS were kept.Being someone who likes things simple, this is a set of EASY instructions for you to complete your own FAST RESULTS Tried and Tested Spell Casting! With your own energy and your own intent put into this, you will work wonders over and above any Spell Caster you wanted to do the job for you, even the best, most professional or most expensive!This is at a beginner to intermediate level with simple ingredients. This spell requires no unusual or medieval tools or ingredients, just household items and items commonly used in spell casting, easy to obtain. It can be tailored to multiple intentions, and has been designed for a Spell Caster to get happy customers giving happy feedback ;)Excellent for trainee witches as well as those wanting to make changes in their own lives."You will receive a couple of downloadable pages (max 10 pages) containing all ingredients, steps, and tips to ensure your spell works! The writing is on styled traditional parchment paper, with antique borders around the edges.This item is a typed written extract to add to your Grimoire. You will find the link to download it in the purchases section in your profile on the desktop Bonanza website.Full details on how to download your spell Casting are described by at @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@To purchase this spell for me to cast for you. I offer this as a "spoken prayer download" only as your final result (the only item you will receive is a mp3 download) which you can use in what ever way you wish; at : do not give any refunds or exchanges. By purchasing this item, you are fully aware that it is a downloadable digital product and not a spell that I cast myself.FREEBIE:I do offer help to cast this yourself through a free 10-minute psychic reading which you can claim on review.This free reading is given out once only, that is to 1st-time customers only.It will be in the format of a psychic chat reading through instant text messaging on Whatsapp.I can read on any subject, so you may wish to ask me questions on any area of your life , or reading can be about how best to cast your spell and a psychic look at the effects of your spell casting.*[1] DISCLAIMER:You should be at least 18 years of age to purchase this item.You agree that by purchasing this item, you have read through the description and are authorising the purchase.You understand that the writer states :I am a true believer in my work and in all that I do. These are my personal beliefs.However, it is common sense to understand that, nothing can be promised to you in a psychic reading or spiritual work.In this context, we all have control over our future, our bodies, our minds, and our destiny.All psychic readings and spiritual work should only be regarded for entertainment purposes only.Nothing written in this description is promised. No outcome of any nature can be assured.This item is merely a page from my Grimoire.WHAT YOU WILL RECEIVE AFTER YOUR PURCHASE :Spell Listings :A LINK TO A DOWNLOADABLE FILE WHICH YOU MAY PRINT OUT IF DESIREDPsychic Reading Listings:A QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION THROUGH AN APP WHERE YOU MAY CHAT AND WHICH SAVES ITS CHAT ON ITS SERVER. YOUR CHAT WILL DOWNLOAD TO YOUR DEVICE. YOU MAY PRINT THIS SESSION OUT IF DESIRED. I ALSO KEEP AN IDENTICAL COPY OF YOUR CHAT.ADDED INFORMATION:If needed, to translate your purchased spell from English to any language. You may go to op=docs