Devotion Removal - Break Baptisms, Covenants, and Contracts With Gods and Demons

Did you grow up in a religion you now wish to leave behind? Were you, for example, a Christian, or were you baptized against your will, or maybe you were baptised willingly and later came to regret it? Did you enter into a pact with or devotion to a demon/daemon, but have you changed your mind or do you feel that the deal was not in your favor? In order to be truly rid of the covenants and pacts, what was once done, must now be undone for it to be truly removed and for you to be truly free. Whatever the religion, the spiritual path, and whoever the god or demon or other spirit in question, we will help you break your chains to bring back your spiritual autonomy and sovereignty.

We have learned, through the wisdom and knowledge of ancient and mighty spirits who support the liberation of humankind from the shackles of harmful religions and the needless rules and regulations associated with them, the secrets and arts of how to permanently and completely break religious and spiritual covenants, agreements, and contracts. 

We set out on studying these techniques many years ago, because it became apparent to us through our spiritual development and initiations into ancient magickal systems, that there were forces holding us back and that wanted to keep us suppressed and powerless. Through a combination of communion with the spirits that aided us in this journey, the Universal energies and forces that trump all deities known to mankind in terms of power, wisdom, and insight, vision quests and astral journeys, divination, and experimentation, we have found the keys necessary that can break, with the consent of the person involved, even the deepest religious and spiritual affiliations and dedications. Whether your dedication is to the gods of Abrahamic religions such as YHWH, Christ, or Allah, or anyone or anything else, we are prepared to assist you.

Allow us to work on your behalf by utilizing these rituals that will turn your so-called "sacred" devotions into mere nothingness, so you may become the free and empowered Soul that you were always meant to be.




Q: Why would I break these covenants? Isn't just walking away from the religion or deal enough? 

A: Think of a spiritual covenant, pact, or dedication as an energetic lock. The lock was sealed and holds your energy in a particular pattern through a ritual of some kind, whether this is a baptism, a ritual in which you made a verbal and public or private declaration, or the burning of a contract through ritual means. For example, if you became a Christian through baptism, you are now a follower of Christ, and your dedication is "eternal". Christ urged his followers to take up their cross and follow him, with all that that means. Depending on the kind of dedications you had, such as a monastic dedication, you will also have taken vows of celibacy, chastity, obedience, poverty, and perhaps even of stability and silence. All these oaths and vows place energetic locks in your energy that force your energy, and therefore, by extension, your physical life, into particular patterns. We reverse these rituals and patterns, and in so doing unlock your energy, so it will now be free to flow as desired, after some healing has occurred. In short; in magickal terms, when something is done through a ritual, it remains done, until and unless it is undone through another ritual.


Q: Can this ritual be used to remove past-life dedications as well as current life dedications?

A: Yes, absolutely. We acknowledge the concept of reincarnation, and therefore, in fact, we urge people who are genuinely interested in true spiritual freedom, empowerment, and ascendency to a higher state of being, to rid themselves of all spiritual contracts, both from their current lifetimes and from those made in the past, since such old spiritual contracts may keep your energy, and thus your Soul, stuck in these old patterns that you are no longer desiring. We have done this for ourselves and others, and would not have it any other way. The freedom, empowerment, and ability to heal and grow we have experienced since then is beyond priceless.


Q: I fear that the deity or demon whose contract I am breaking will lash out; what should I do?

A: While we would love to say that there is no risk of this happening, this unfortunately depends on the deity in question. Some deities, who openly profess to be "jealous gods" will not take kindly to us breaking your devotion or contract. However, if you are at the point where you are either considering or are already willing to take the step of going the extra mile to remove these devotions, then your Soul is likely calling to you to let go of these old ties. We will discuss possible avenues for you to spiritually empower and aid you against such things occurring. We would ask you to consider one thing, however. If fear is all that is stopping you from taking such a step to which you feel called, is the god you serve truly a benevolent being, they they need threats to keep you in their ranks? We say you deserve better.


Q: Can I combine multiple, seperate contracts to be removed in one ritual purchase?

A: We are afraid that, due to the risk to us in removing such devotions, depending on your and our relation to a particular being, the time involved, the way in which we need to resolve the contracts, and the likely research required regarding your specific dedications and devotions, especially where it concerns past-life contract removals, we are unable to accomodate multiple contracts being removed in one removal. In fact, depending on the severity and depth of your devotion, we may request that we break up the removal over various purchases. We will consult with you and discuss the exact amount of rituals we anticipate to be required on your behalf, and we will do so up front, before even a single ritual is purchased if you reach out to us beforehand.


Q: Will anything be required on my end?

A: This depends on the contract or dedication in question, and what was promised, and how the magickal "locks" mentioned earlier in the FAQ were established. More than likely, the answer is, yes, though we will guide you every step of the way, and usually your part is quite small and simple. The vast majority of the removal, however, will be done by us.


Q: I believe my deity is all-powerful and the dedications to them can not be broken. Why would you guys be able to do anything about it? 

A: We would say that, if you are still at the point that you believe the deity in question whose contract you are thinking of breaking is all-powerful, you perhaps may need some more soul-searching and analysis of the world around you and what you believe to be your place in it before you undergo a ritual like this. We are confident we have ample capability of carrying out such rites, and have successfully done rituals such as these on ourselves, and others we know, love, and trust, as well as on our clients, and have seen true and lasting results, and had such results reported by others, ranging from increased abundance and better luck, increased feelings of happiness and joy, feeling less weighed down, a better sex life, and many other positive results. What we do not advise, however, is for you to go into something like this if you believe you might later, for whatever reason, regret it.


Q: Aren't you guys afraid of going to Hell/Purgatory/Gehenna/some other punishment-related afterlife for doing this?

A: We are not. Not only do we not believe that any god(dess) known to mankind is all-powerful, we also have done spiritual work on ourselves so we ourselves are no longer under the rules of any deity that is, according to their own holy texts, prone to putting people in places of eternal torture, thus stripping them of their right to put our spirits in places like that. While we believe in the existence of such deities (and the existence of other, in our opinion, more pleasant, deities and daemons), we do not believe they are omnipotent or omniscient, nor do we believe that any deity has some kind of inherent "right" over our Souls (though that kind of right is given by entering into a religious dedication that extends such rights), and we find ourselves morally opposed to working with deities that promise people eternal pain and anguish for doing things they don't like while the human being in question is alive for the duration of only a century or less in a particular lifetime.



We cast our spells and rituals directly on and/or for the individuals purchasing from us. As a result, we will not ship you items. Please be aware of this before purchasing. As a result, there will no shipping costs. 



Be advised that we will not sell any of our items to clients below the age of 18.

Please also be aware that for medical conditions, whether mental or physical, you should always consult the appropriate trained, licensed professional. The items sold in this store are not a replacement or substitute for professional help. 

The law requires that we state that these items are listed "For Entertainment Purposes Only." We are not liable for any and all misusage of this item, nor can we guarantee that these items will work magically.