Title: Vetera Monumenta Hibernorum et Scotorum Historiam Illustrantia (Ancient Monuments Illustrating the History of the Irish and Scots)
Author: Augustinus Theiner - Quae ex Vaticani, Neapolis AC Florentiae Tabulariis Deprompsit et Ordine chronologico disposuit (which he took from the archives of the Vatican, Naples, and Florence, and arranged them in chronological order)
Publisher: Romae, Typis Vaticanis (The Vatican Press)
Publishing Date: 1864
Edition: Not stated
Binding: Hardcover, with leather spine and corners
Pages: 624, with index
Illustrated: No
Interior Condition: Solid binding, complete and intact.
Exterior Condition: Heavy edge and corner wear, soiling, front board detached as shown in description. Ex-libris marking on lower spine, and library plates on inside front board
Dust Jacket: No
Size: Folio
Comments: A collection of correspondence from the late Middle Ages between the Vatican and Church authorities in Scotland and Ireland. Text in Latin.