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"Articles of Lasting Interest" -- Own a piece of history, fascinating to read -- The Readers Digest captures what life was like at any given time better than any other magazine, because it is the best of all of them! -- Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below! *
August 1972; Vol. 101, No. 604
CONDITION: Size approx 6" X 9", Digest sized magazine. COMPLETE and in clean, VERY GOOD condition. (See photo)
[Use 'Control F' to search this page. MORE MAGAZINES' exclusive detailed content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date.] This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Cover: Tropical Waterfall by Ren Wicks.
Albert Einstein -- the man behind the Genius by Ronald W. Clark.
Three ways to get something done by James E. Roper.
Blood Pressue Zero! by Thomas DeForest Bull.
Is the US going Broke?.
Should a college education be a basic right for all? by Irwin Ross.
Exciting ways to get a college education by Carl T. Rowan and David M. Mazie.
Unforgettable Margaret Bourke-White by Carl Mydans.
Will we let pollution nibble us to death? by Colman McCarthy.
Love and Marriage by Lester Velie.
to know the true from the false by Charles Malik.
the day the great bridge fell -- West Gate -- by Anthony M. Paul.
H. R. Gross conscience of the House by Jacques Leslie.
When should you trade in your car? by James Daniel.
The revolt that shook the Kremlin by James Atwater.
I am Joe's Nose by J. D. Ratcliff.
49 secrets from a professional cook by Nancy Schraffenberger.
the big boom in Wine by James Stewart-Gordon.
Beware the Witch's wind by Earl and Miriam Selby.
the Summer I wrapped Cabbage heads by Maggie Smith.
Justice John Adams and the Boston Massacre by Thomas Fleming.
Out town's only republican by Turner Catledge.
Surprising Arkansas where south becomes west by Don Wharton.
The tyrant everybody cultivates -- Ahmed Sekou Toure -- by David Reed.
We must stop this isolationist trade bill by Irwin Ross.
Are men really men anymore? by James Lincoln Collier.
the teming life of a pond by William H. Amos.
Warning -- x-rays may be dangerous to your health by Fred Warshofsky.
America's Shrine of Democracy by Paul Friggens.
Should you choose early retirement? by Thomas R. Brooks.
To Race The Wind by Harold Krents.
CHECK our other Reader's Digest listings -- we have the LARGEST stock of Reader's Digest back issues available anywhere!
Use 'Control F' to search this page. * NOTE: OUR content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date. Each listed above is of at least one page, most average 3 pages. Some are original articles. ALSO in this issue: the usual great tidbits, jokes and sidebars that Readers Digest was famous for. (PLUS there is more actual CONTENT in these vintage issues than in the current ones!) There is no better Birthday gift or Anniversary present than a copy of this marvelous vintage magazine -- it captures the time perfectly!
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