Title: The Young Age of the Earth (DVD) Directed and Produced by Mike Lee Beesley Publisher: Earth Science Associates Format: DVD Version: English Version Release Date: 1996 Duration: 76 minutes 16 secondsDescription: Embark on a captivating journey through Earth's history with "The Young Age of the Earth," an enlightening DVD masterpiece directed and produced by the talented Mike Lee Beesley. Delve into the depths of our planet's past as leading experts share their insights, providing a compelling exploration of the Earth's age. Highlights:
Whether you're a dedicated student of earth sciences, a science enthusiast, or someone who's simply curious about Earth's enigmatic past, "The Young Age of the Earth" is an invaluable resource that will broaden your understanding of our planet's incredible journey through time. Add this remarkable DVD to your collection today and join Mike Lee Beesley and Earth Science Associates on an extraordinary expedition to uncover the secrets of our young Earth. Note: Release date, duration, rating, region code, and subtitle options may vary. Please verify product details for the most accurate information. Item specificsCondition New Sealed Seller Notes New Sealed Type Short Film Format DVD Release Year 1996 Language English Rating NR Sub-Genre Documentary Director Glenn Aulderhar Genre Earth Sciences Movie/TV Title The Young Age of the Earth [DVD] Studio Earth Science Associates Edition Standard Edition UPC 180545000014 |