Japanese Minowase Radish (Raphanus sativus), also known as "Daikon" which means radish in Japanese. These radishes grow to be extremely large topping out between 2'-3' long and remain tasty at that length unlike other giant radishes. Japanese Minowase is a mild radish and is excellent in Oriental dishes. You need to show this one off to your neighbors! Very popular a deer food plot. Extremely efficient when mixed with legumes
Germination in 4-11 days, maturity in 45-50 days
Collected: 9/24
Germination: 98%
As always, FREE SHIPPING on all orders within the US
Please, if you have any issues with your order, germination
or simply need planting instructions, reach out to me and I will take care of
you. I always take care of my customer
Keywords: Japanese Horseradish, Mooli, Japanese Minowase, Great Root