Title: A Short but Comprehensive System of the Geography of the World by Way of Questioning and Answer Principally Designed for Children and Common Schools Author: Nathaniel Dwight Second Connecticut Edition, Enlarged and Improved Publisher: Hartford, Printed by Hudson and Goodwin Year: 1795 Description: Travel back in time to the late 18th century with this rare and antique book, "A Short but Comprehensive System of the Geography of the World" by Nathaniel Dwight. This second Connecticut edition, published in 1795 by Hudson and Goodwin in Hartford, offers a unique perspective on geography education in the early days of the United States. Condition:
Please Note: Accompanying photographs are provided to offer a detailed visual description of this antique book's condition. "A Short but Comprehensive System of the Geography of the World" provides a fascinating glimpse into early geography education and the materials used in common schools during the late 18th century. This leather-bound relic is a valuable addition to any collection of antique books and offers a unique opportunity to explore the educational resources of a bygone era. Don't miss the chance to own a piece of history with this charming vintage book. |