Albina says she wrote in her Grimoire that "with well trained senses, one can smell their presence". She also wrote that "Vampires do not take flight when the moon rises high in the night sky and violate one's home when one is sleeping. Vampires simply walk into a room, unnoitced, as any other would, and then continue to completely drain them of small amounts of their precious energies by sapping small amounts at a time". They also appear AS NORMAL PEOPLE!!! Albina says that often times all of us have been exposed to thse "vampires" and we tend to blame out feelings on exhaustion and the depression that is soon to follow on ourselves. Yet, if we were to "know what to look for and protect ourselves against" we would soon notice at least one individual in our present or past whose presence seemed to "suck all of the air out of the room". Albina says that these individuals are more common then most people realize & that often these energy vampires do not even ealize themselves that they are "robbing" others of their energies!
Albina also says that although Alexandria was able to easily detect such beings, even well practiced witches were ofetn vunerable to these invisible attacks. Albina herself had an experience where a seemingly lovely neighbor began visiting her often. By all accounts the woman was friendly, charming and as nice as one coudl be. However, is seemed that after several visits, Albina would begin to feel "as if I was strangely depressed or hopeless". Soon, she began to notice that her exhaustion and dpression grew more severe every time she came in contact with this woman. As a result, she suspected that something was " amiss" and she summoned Alexandria's help.
Then, she was not only instructed by Alexandria to imbue a piece with this spell but also to choose a "time piece or plain piece of jewelry , as not to attract attention" to the new imbued item. Accordingly, Albina follwed these instructions and to her surprise not only did the woman completely "cease all visits and acts of 'kindness', but a man I never suspected began acting uneasy and dismissive after I began carrying the piece with me. This man continued this avoidance behavior until after actually viewing the imbued piece, he once again dismissed himself and Albina never saw him again! In turn, Albina's own imbued piece protected her GREATLY against such individuals as well as assisting in reversing all of the effects of their "energy sapping" abilities.
She says that this spell will work in exactly the same powerful manner!! MY GREATEST Thanks and BLESSINGS to Albina and the Mystic Queen, Alexandria for all of their wisdom and skills!
*~*~MY Thanks and SINCERE Blessings to Albina and OUR amazing Coven for all of their amazing time and energies!! Blessings to all who visit here and Blessed be!!*~*~