400 mg dry extract of decaffeinated green coffee seed - Svetol (Coffea canephora robusta P.) standardized on 45-50% chlorogenic acids.
Proper and healthy eating has become one of the most important problems of modern man. Modern lifestyle means stress, irregular eating, living in polluted environment, which are all factors that lead to the development of various diseases. Human health, creativity, efficiency and mood are directly conditioned by his daily diet.
Strong Nature Green coffee for weight loss is a natural preparation based on the extract of green coffee beans, called Svetol. Svetol is a registered name of the French company Naturex SA. It is a decaffeinated green coffee extract, rich in active components that contribute to weight loss. Svetol is obtained from unroasted specialty Robusta (Coffea canephora robusta Pierre) grains, and its efficacy has been clinically proven. Green coffee contributes to weight loss thanks to its high content of chlorogenic acids. Chlorogenic acids from green coffee extract reduce the absorption and release of glucose into the circulation, thereby encouraging the use of existing fat deposits as an energy source. In this way fat is lost in the body. Reducing adipose tissue reduces the risk factor for many diseases, including type II diabetes. One bag a day. Dissolve the contents of the bag in 100ml of warm water and drink 20 minutes before breakfast.