Stress Guard is a comprehensive Ayurvedic tonic that strengthens and balances the body's organs and systems to combat mental, emotional and physical stress, enhances concentration, memory, understanding of new things and physical fitness. This natural supplement to the anti-stress diet is the culmination of thousands of years of experience of Ayurvedic wisdom. It is designed to be as effective and safe as possible.
INGREDIENTS OF STRESS GARD: ASHWAGANDA (WITHANIA SOMNIFERA) The Ashwaganda Indian herb is both a powerful anti-stressor and a powerful adaptogenic. What is Ashwaganda? Ashwaganda, also called Indian woman shen is: An annual herb widely grown for medicinal purposes. Recognized adaptogenic and nerve tonic. It is widely used in Ayurveda to combat stress as an antistressor. Its active substances are vitiferin and vitanaloid. Chemical analyzes have shown that ashwaganda is a true mine of minerals and biologically valuable substances such as: calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, cobalt, copper, vanadium, vitalo-lactones, phenolic compounds and tannins, flavonides, proteins and free amino acids, saponins , glycosides, alacloids. For all this, it is not surprising that the ayur-veda attributes ashvaganda to its extraordinary qualities, namely:
Vryshia (promotes fertility) Bali (gives physical strength and immunity) Shotahara (anti-inflammatory) Rasajana (rejuvenates) Medium (brain tonic) Ksajahara (Anabolic) Sukra (useful for genitals) Maja (helps with sound sleep) Atishukrala (nutritious) Brihemnia (promotes mass) Cotton swabs (against nerve diseases) Unmade (useful for mental illness) Apasmara (useful for epilepsy) BRAHMI (CENTELLA ASIATICA) Brahmi has been used for thousands of years as one of the most important means of rejuvenation in ayur-Veda. It serves as the first choice to stimulate and strengthen nerves and brain cells. The name itself refers to the use of 100% of the potential of the brain (Brahman - the limitless potential of consciousness). Brahmi develops intellect, improves memory, reverses the aging process, prolongs life and gives strength in old age. It strengthens the immune system by cleansing and nourishing it, it strengthens the adrenal glands. At the same time it is a powerful blood cleanser and works specifically against skin diseases, including leprosy, syphilis, eczema and psoriasis. Brahmi is effective in reverse fever and malaria. This exceptional antistressor and adaptogenic balances the left and right hemispheres of the brain and is effective against both mental and emotional stress. While ashvaganda is dispelled for vata type persons, brahmi is an elixir for pie type people. It is also great for calming the wool dosha and eliminates excessive kapha. This is probably the most sattva (virtue) of all plants and strongly encourages the growth of all positive human traits. Yogis in the Himalayas are happy to use it in their daily diet as it helps with meditation and brings energy to the dark chakra. ROOT PIPALIA (PIPER LONGUM) First of all, this plant is an excellent adaptogen. It has a calming and relaxing effect and is therefore recommended for tension, nervousness, restlessness, hysteria, insomnia, headaches, heartbeats and nervous spasms. |