Lutein and zeaoxanthin protect the eye from UV radiation and enable sharp vision. In Nutrof, the total has exactly as much as is necessary. Fish oil is of high quality, enables the resorption of lutein, reduces inflammatory processes and protects macular cells from decay. Rasveratrol is derived from grapes as a strong antioxidant that calms inflammatory processes in the eye. Vitamin D is important in the process of yellow spot inflammation, vitamin C and E are strong antioxidants needed by the eye. Zinc participates in the formation of visible pigment, selenium protects against free radicals and copper contributes to eye health.
Dosage and method of administration

The capsules are taken once a day with water, preferably for 3 months.

vit C 60mg, vit E 10mg, zinc 10mg, selenium 25mcg, vit D 5mcg, lutein 10mg, zeoaxanthin 2mg, copper 0.5mg and fish oil (EPA + DHA) 330mg, rasveratrol 1mg.